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Beautyrest Twin XL Mattress | Innerspring | Firm BR800

Beautyrest BR800 11.25" firm mattress introduces the world's Premier Sleep System: Beautyrest Pocketed Coil springs which move individually to support the natural shape of your body and diffuse movement for a peaceful undisturbed rest. Featuring 800 Series Beautyrest Pocketed Coil Technology that provides flexible support precisely where it is …
Beautyrest BR800 11.25" firm mattress introduces the world's Premier Sleep System: Beautyrest Pocketed Coil springs which move individually to support the natural shape of your body and diffuse movement for a peaceful undisturbed rest. Featuring 800 Series Beautyrest Pocketed Coil Technology that provides flexible support precisely where it is needed and isolates motion between two sleepers. The DualCool Technology found in the BR800 is an antimicrobial performance layer that works to keep your mattress fresh and cool while moving heat and moisture away. Additionally a layer of Gel Memory Foam Lumbar Support provides you with the right amount of firm support where you need it most for a restful sleep. | Beautyrest Twin XL Mattress | Innerspring | Firm BR800 Twin XL
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Mattress Firm
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Beautyrest BR800 11.25" firm mattress introduces the world's Premier Sleep System: Beautyrest Pocketed Coil springs which move individually to support the natural shape of your body and diffuse movement for a peaceful undisturbed rest. Featuring 800 Series Beautyrest Pocketed Coil Technology that provides flexible support precisely where it is needed and isolates motion between two sleepers. The DualCool Technology found in the BR800 is an antimicrobial performance layer that works to keep your mattress fresh and cool while moving heat and moisture away. Additionally a layer of Gel Memory Foam Lumbar Support provides you with the right amount of firm support where you need it most for a restful sleep. | Beautyrest Twin XL Mattress | Innerspring | Firm BR800 Twin XL